
This blog is aimed at those who find development and voluntary organisations as exciting and interesting as I do – either as professionals, academics, or just people interested in the state of the world and processes of social and political change.

Through this blog, I will attempt to document my process of doing research for my masters thesis, as part of my Development Management course at the University of Agder. I hope to write in a way that is accessible and relevant, and through that spark some debate, input and suggestions from the world of knowledgable people out there. And, hopefully, if I go completely off track, or write stuff nobody understands or finds useful – someone will read it and tell me.


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3 responses to “Welcome!

  1. Heia silje – this is good stuff! Looking forward to follow now and then. I suggest you establish your thesis structure right away, giving each chapter a Page. Then we can follow as you gradually fill in the pages with information.
    I also suggest you make a kind of diary, telling about your progress, thoughts and experiences in frequent Posts.

  2. Thanks for the comment and for the good suggestion! I was wondering how best to structure it – whether to aim to have my entire thesis on my blog, or whether to use it for key reflections and findings as I go along. Have not quite decided yet – I guess it has a lot to do with language and they way I frame the content as well.

  3. Don’t worry too much about the language yet. Test out ideas and where to place them in your structure. Get comments from others

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