What is Civil Society? And what is it in Africa?

I guess the starting point has to be civil society itself. What is it? Is it a western concept that does not apply well to the african context? Or does it apply, but takes different forms and has to be understood in a different way?

My initial thought is that civil society is the arena outside the state or the market, where people voluntarily act together to achieve or to do something. In other words, it could be anything from a women’s group or an environmental organisation to a religious group or a marching band. This is much in line with Riddel’s definition:

“civil society refers to all people, activities, relationships and formal and informal groups that are not part of the process of government. It includes an array civil society organisations (CSO’s) (…) together with all the other non-governmental groups and associations, including trade unions, business associations, and looser groupings such as social movements, networks and even virtual groups” (Riddel, 2007)

Now, is this something universal that applies everywhere, or a westernized concept with limited usefulness and applicability in developing countries? I am just at the start of reading, and look forward to be enlightened and confused.

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