
First, me.

I have worked within devleopment, human rights and advocacy since 2006. For the last three years, as a child rights advisor for Plan Norway. My main focus is disability inclusion in development; I work directly with projects and programmes as well as with advocacy at national and international level.

My academic background includes  the IB from United World College of the Atlantic and a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University. Although I loved working, I missed academica, so I am now also studying Development Management at the University of Agder. The course is an international, online masters programme with 20 wonderfully interesting students from a range of professional, academic and cultural backgrounds. After one year of various courses, our main focus for this year is our own research, where I will focus on Plan’s attemts to strengthen civil society organisations in the countries where we work.

So, this blog  is basically me trying to document my process of doing research for my masters thesis.  This is for several reasons. Firstly, to force myself to write in a way that is comprehensible and relevant to an external audience. Secondly, to engage and get input from colleagues, academics and others who are interested in the topic . And finally, to help me overcome the challenges of doing research on the organisation I work for myself.

One response to “About

  1. Hi Silje, I like the layout and “feel” of your blog, I think it looks like a good way of structuring and communicating your ideas as you work on your thesis!

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